Assessment findings

  1. drag_indicatorproductive cough
  2. drag_indicatorBP 90/50, P 116, RR 24
  3. drag_indicatorIntermittent left shoulder pain
  4. drag_indicatorECG showing normal sinus rhythm
  5. drag_indicatorSlightly diminished breath sounds on the left
  6. drag_indicatorT 97.8° F (36.6° C), 02 saturation 98% on room air
  7. drag_indicatorHgb 9 g/dL (19.0 x 109/L), HCT 27% (0.27), WBC 19,000mm3 (19.0 x 109/L)
  8. drag_indicatorTenderness upon palpation and dullness to percussion over the abdomen

Assessment findings that require immediate follow-up